Puchar Polski
Featured match
Puchar Polski is a handball tournament for men.
Country in which Puchar Polski is being played is Poland.
The current title holder is SPR Wisła Płock.
Here you can check the information about Puchar Polski such as live standings, schedule, top players list and team stats. Handball results and matches are also available on Sofascore.
Puchar Polski
Featured match
Team of the week features the highest-rated players in certain positions for a specific round. It’s based on single-match player ratings for the same round within a particular competition.
Puchar Polski is a handball tournament for men.
Country in which Puchar Polski is being played is Poland.
The current title holder is SPR Wisła Płock.
Here you can check the information about Puchar Polski such as live standings, schedule, top players list and team stats. Handball results and matches are also available on Sofascore.