- Football
- Manager
Tiago Nunes profile, stats and career history
Tiago Nunes
Career history
About Tiago Nunes
Information about Tiago Nunes is available on the manager profile page.
Tiago Nunes (44 years old) is current Universidad Católica coach.
Tiago Nunes manager profile is showing available manager’s data, such as average points per match, performance of his career results (win/draw/loss), career history and specific data like “time spent as manager” and “time spent without the team”.
- Number of games as a manager - 259
- Number of wins - 117
- Number of losses - 64
- Preferred formation - 4-2-3-1
- Football
- Manager
Tiago Nunes profile, stats and career history
Tiago Nunes
Career history
About Tiago Nunes
Information about Tiago Nunes is available on the manager profile page.
Tiago Nunes (44 years old) is current Universidad Católica coach.
Tiago Nunes manager profile is showing available manager’s data, such as average points per match, performance of his career results (win/draw/loss), career history and specific data like “time spent as manager” and “time spent without the team”.
- Number of games as a manager - 259
- Number of wins - 117
- Number of losses - 64
- Preferred formation - 4-2-3-1