Who Will Win?
Phil De Fries - Augusto Sakai fight starts on Jun 7, 2024 at 8:52:14 PM UTC.
This fight is part of KSW.
Phil De Fries - Augusto Sakai is Main card fight in Heavyweight division.
Sofascore also allows you to check different information regarding the match, such as:
- Fighter details and bio
- Pre-match rankings
- Deep statistics (type of strikes per zones, takedowns, positions per round, grappling stats etc.)
- Odds and predictions
- Sofascore community votes on which team is more likely to win the fight
The winner is Phil De Fries and the fight ended by Main card in 5.
Phil De Fries - Augusto Sakai video highlights are collected in the Media tab for the most fights as soon as videos appear on video hosting sites like Youtube.
Who Will Win?
Phil De Fries - Augusto Sakai fight starts on Jun 7, 2024 at 8:52:14 PM UTC.
This fight is part of KSW.
Phil De Fries - Augusto Sakai is Main card fight in Heavyweight division.
Sofascore also allows you to check different information regarding the match, such as:
- Fighter details and bio
- Pre-match rankings
- Deep statistics (type of strikes per zones, takedowns, positions per round, grappling stats etc.)
- Odds and predictions
- Sofascore community votes on which team is more likely to win the fight
The winner is Phil De Fries and the fight ended by Main card in 5.
Phil De Fries - Augusto Sakai video highlights are collected in the Media tab for the most fights as soon as videos appear on video hosting sites like Youtube.