- Handball
- Austria
- HLA Challenge
Nepomuk Grabner stats
Nepomuk Grabner
Nepomuk Grabner
Nepomuk Grabner is 19 years old (May 16, 2005), 187 cm tall and plays for SG Krems / Langenlois.
Nepomuk Grabner statistics are available during live games and after every game played.
Sofascore covers in detail all handball stats such as:
- Goals, assists, penalties and steals
- Overview stats of all seasons
Nepomuk Grabner previous game for SG Krems / Langenlois was SG Krems / Langenlois - UHLZ Perchtoldsdorf Devils in HLA Challenge and the game ended with the result 29 - 34.
- Handball
- Austria
- HLA Challenge
Nepomuk Grabner stats
Nepomuk Grabner
Nepomuk Grabner
Nepomuk Grabner is 19 years old (May 16, 2005), 187 cm tall and plays for SG Krems / Langenlois.
Nepomuk Grabner statistics are available during live games and after every game played.
Sofascore covers in detail all handball stats such as:
- Goals, assists, penalties and steals
- Overview stats of all seasons
Nepomuk Grabner previous game for SG Krems / Langenlois was SG Krems / Langenlois - UHLZ Perchtoldsdorf Devils in HLA Challenge and the game ended with the result 29 - 34.