Who Will Win?
Sumiko Inaba - Saray Orozco fight starts on Jun 13, 2024 at 9:34:20 PM UTC.
This fight is part of PFL.
Sumiko Inaba - Saray Orozco is Prelims fight in Flyweight division.
Sofascore also allows you to check different information regarding the match, such as:
- Fighter details and bio
- Pre-match rankings
- Deep statistics (type of strikes per zones, takedowns, positions per round, grappling stats etc.)
- Odds and predictions
- Sofascore community votes on which team is more likely to win the fight
The winner is Sumiko Inaba and the fight ended by Prelims in 3.
Sumiko Inaba - Saray Orozco video highlights are collected in the Media tab for the most fights as soon as videos appear on video hosting sites like Youtube.
Who Will Win?
Sumiko Inaba - Saray Orozco fight starts on Jun 13, 2024 at 9:34:20 PM UTC.
This fight is part of PFL.
Sumiko Inaba - Saray Orozco is Prelims fight in Flyweight division.
Sofascore also allows you to check different information regarding the match, such as:
- Fighter details and bio
- Pre-match rankings
- Deep statistics (type of strikes per zones, takedowns, positions per round, grappling stats etc.)
- Odds and predictions
- Sofascore community votes on which team is more likely to win the fight
The winner is Sumiko Inaba and the fight ended by Prelims in 3.
Sumiko Inaba - Saray Orozco video highlights are collected in the Media tab for the most fights as soon as videos appear on video hosting sites like Youtube.