- Handball
- Austria
- HLA Meisterliga
Fabian Hellerschmid stats
Fabian Hellerschmid
Fabian Hellerschmid
Fabian Hellerschmid is 20 years old (Jan 14, 2004), 182 cm tall and plays for Förthof UHK Krems.
Fabian Hellerschmid statistics are available during live games and after every game played.
Sofascore covers in detail all handball stats such as:
- Goals, assists, penalties and steals
- Overview stats of all seasons
Fabian Hellerschmid previous game for Förthof UHK Krems was SG INSIGNIS Westwien - Förthof UHK Krems in HLA Meisterliga and the game ended with the result 25 - 33.
- Handball
- Austria
- HLA Meisterliga
Fabian Hellerschmid stats
Fabian Hellerschmid
Fabian Hellerschmid
Fabian Hellerschmid is 20 years old (Jan 14, 2004), 182 cm tall and plays for Förthof UHK Krems.
Fabian Hellerschmid statistics are available during live games and after every game played.
Sofascore covers in detail all handball stats such as:
- Goals, assists, penalties and steals
- Overview stats of all seasons
Fabian Hellerschmid previous game for Förthof UHK Krems was SG INSIGNIS Westwien - Förthof UHK Krems in HLA Meisterliga and the game ended with the result 25 - 33.